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发布时间: 2024-05-17 11:14:16北京青年报社官方账号

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"Comparatively, there was little blood spilled among Russian servicemen (in Syria). The army demonstrated a high level of readiness, more than the Americans did," said Minchenko.

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"China's success in containing the coronavirus and reviving economic activity has been notable," said R. N. Bhaskar, consulting editor of Asia Converge and guest faculty at several institutes in India and overseas, noting that a recent official report on manufacturing showed the Chinese economy is recovering better than expected.

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"Customers are buying insurance they need the most, not the cheapest or most expensive financial product," she said. "The trend to cultivate highly qualified salesmen will further stimulate demand and lead the market in a healthy direction."


"China supports the G20, the International Monetary Fund and other international multilateral platforms and institutions to continue to play an active role in policy coordination and crisis relief, effectively prevent and control the impact of international epidemics, and maintain the stability of the global economy and financial markets."


"Countries around the world are working to upgrade their business environment, as this is crucial for attracting investment, boosting market vitality and stimulating public creativity," Li said.


